Tuesday, December 15, 2015


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Have you ever lost anyone in your life?
Last person I lost was my godmother, it started out as breast cancer and it just got worse. Also my  uncle died of liver failure.
And how did you handle it?
I guess it was a way for me to learn from other people's mistakes.
Have you ever had to console a friend because they lost someone?
One of my friends was going to lose their dad for the same reasons why I lost my uncle. There’s really nothing to say, just hope that it gets better.
And how do you feel over the loss of your family members now?
I guess I’m over it, but it feels like I’m still in denial because it feels like he’s still alive, like he’s just somewhere else.  

Friday, December 11, 2015


If you were to have 1 million dollars, what would you do with it?
I would give some to my parents and the rest for me
On what would you expend the rest of the money on?
I don’t know, maybe on clothes.


When you came to the United States were you ever discriminated or looked down upon by others? If so, how did that make you feel?
For the long years that I have been living in the United States, I have encountered discrimination and this made me feel very sad as well as it made me feel enraged. At the beginning I felt left out since I had come from a different country. I thought I just needed to be more integrated into the American culture, but as I tried to talk to people, some Americans thought they were superior than me because of how I spoke English and with an accent as well as where I came from. At first I thought that some people were just close minded and till this day I still believe it is true. The Americans that I would try talking to did not care what I had to say, and did not care about my culture that I valued, because I was not an American and did not speak proper English.  



What would you do if you were told that you only have one month to live?
I would really want to do everything I have ever wanted to do before I die.
What would you would do and why?
I would travel as much as possible to anywhere I can. I would want to travel around to see things and discover things that I have never seen or experienced before.


                               If you could ask a single person one question, and they had to                                           answer truthfully, who and what would you ask?
                              I would ask my mom who she loved more, me or my brother. 
           Just out of curiosity. 


                                                            What is true happiness?
                      True happiness is being comfortable with yourself and accepting what you have.


                                  Have you ever felt like giving up?
Yes, because I felt like it was the easiest way out. I also felt like it was the only thing I could do to escape from reality. At that time I felt like it was my only answer.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Have you ever felt left out or discriminated by the way you dress?
Kind of, by people that I really don’t care about, but my friends are very supportive so I just don’t listen to other people’s judgments. 
How did that make you feel?
Bad, but I just don’t care because these people don’t really affect my life in any way. 
Would you ever judge someone because of the way they express themselves?  
No, everyone is free to be their own, and to be who they are no matter what.

Friday, December 4, 2015



Why did you decide to become a teacher?

I didn’t like bad teachers...I wanted to teach in order to show students how easy learning science can be instead of proving how smart I am.

Maria A.


How was your high school experience? Was it what you expected it to be?
Uhh yes, then no. I thought it was going to be like High School Musical or any other high school movie. I have expected those Friday night football games and HUGE dances, although the dances were all still fun anyway! I also thought there would be cliques like the whole popular group and just different types of groups of people, but now I see that it doesn’t exist. Of course, everyone has their own cliques, but everyone is their own person. Entering high school, I hoped to mature & change for the better, and I did! Although it wasn’t what I expected to be, it was a good experience overall!



What is your biggest motivation and why?
Music- Nobody else is going to be there when you really need them
 and music provides me comfort nobody can give.


What life changing event have you had in your life?
When I was 6 year old when I came from Arkansas to Wisconsin. It changed my life entirely. It changed the way I grew up, the way I lived and the way people treated me.
How would you be different if this never happened ?
I would probably have a lot more friends and I would be happier because I would've stayed where I was comfortable.
Do you miss living there?
Yes I miss living there a lot.

Monday, November 23, 2015



What is the biggest struggle you’ve ever been through? 
Seeing my mom disappointed.
It makes me feel as if I should do more.
Any advice for Veritas students?
Listen to your parents and make them proud.


What is the scariest thing you have lived through?
The scariest thing I've ever lived through was that I could've been dead by now. There were so many times where I faced death. I Almost got ran over when I was a 13, I drowned in a pool for 3 minutes and I almost slammed in a car.
How does this make you feel now?
I'm grateful that I'm given the chance to step foot on earth every day because I have been on the brink of death multiple times. If any of those things did happen I wouldn't be around right now telling my story.

Monday, November 16, 2015


What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
I would have come out a long time ago...Come out from the ‘closet’.
How do you feel about it?
I am not ashamed of it. Ever since freshman year, I was quiet about it. Senior year, I see myself different, more sociable with everybody, I go out more with my boyfriend, and he made me love myself for who I am. He also told me that my life can change for a better one. I also want to say that I owe a lot to Fatima, she was a big part of it. I learned to love and accept myself for who I am. I also want to give advice for anyone going through the same situation, you are never alone, there are people just like you, but also don’t feel pressured to come out from there.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Who inspires you the most?
I inspire my self, because I feel like nobody can motivate me or inspire me more than my self.
If I didn't think that, what would I do when I have no one around me to inspire me or motivate me. I also feel that if you're your own motivation and inspiration you are a stronger person than most because you don't need anybody.


What was the most difficult time in your life?
The hardest moment of my life would be when I had to move to be away from my mom for a whole year.
It was difficult because she’s my mom and I love her a lot. It was hard to adjust to life without her because I could only see her over a camera. It was a very emotional time for me.


What has been your biggest accomplishment so far and why?
Personally for me I believe getting a job was my biggest accomplishment. A job signifies my growth as an adult and I felt like a little bit of my life was coming together. It was almost like saying "goodbye" to my anxiety and "hello" to the new me. I might not have the most prestigious career in the world but the experiences and people I’ve met, I wouldn't trade it for the world.


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What is a sad moment in your life? 
My parents divorce. I was 6 years old and my sister was a couple months old. I remember when they fought.

What was the most hardest thing for you? 
My Sexuality. Coming out to my parents and friends. I didn’t accept it at first, but I kept telling myself that I needed to like girls.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


What has been one of the biggest challenges in your life?
Biggest challenge...Hmmmmm. I think maybe one of my biggest challenges that I’ve come across is finding acceptance. Yeah, I know that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense,but it’s like the only way I can describe it. Acceptance. Acceptance within myself. Acceptance with people walking out of my life. And acceptance with people coming in. Just accepting change and having faith that it can be for the better.

Friday, November 6, 2015



What regret have you carried with you and what would you do to change it?

I don’t regret a damn thing in life. What I’ve done, good or bad, got me to where I am today.



What has been one of your biggest challenges in life?
One of my biggest challenges has been accepting and loving myself.
I feel pressured by social media; they tell you what you should be. They are unreachable standards that are ludicrous.

Jorge B.


Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?
What's stopping you from letting it go?
...I'm holding onto something that I can't forget... I can’t let it go...because i'm paranoid of letting it go…

Monday, April 27, 2015


What has been one of the most exciting moments in your life?
When my brother was born.
Because as soon as he was born I got really attached to him and like his first week I stayed up every night to watch him for my mom.   

Friday, April 24, 2015


So how is your day today? 
Today wasn’t too bad, but I thought today was Thursday when really it’s Friday. I’m hungry.
What was the biggest moment in your life?
My nephew being born, he means the world to me.
Who do you look up to? Why? 
My oldest sister, she’s really smart, she always helps me when I need help.


What's the strangest thing you've ever done?
We eat popcorn off the floor. My brothers and I used to act like chickens when we were little.


What’s your biggest fear?
OMG where do I begin? My biggest fear is free falling. Like how you free fall when you go sky diving. I went on that roller coaster that drops you. Ever since then it scares me so much. Open water has to be my second biggest fear. It freaks me out that there isn’t anything for miles and miles.  

Thursday, March 19, 2015



What, according to you is a sensitive topic that should not be joked about?
A sensitive topic that should not be joked about has to be suicide/self-harm. Many people these days joke around saying “I just want to die” or “kill me”, in my opinion they do not understand the seriousness of their words. There are so many people that really do have problems very serious that they do not know what to do, they see no other way out than committing suicide or hurting themselves. This not only leads to more problems, but others don’t understand what they go through and bully them for what they do, for how they behave; they’re basically told not to hurt themselves by the people that cause them to.


What makes a person strong?
What makes a person strong is how they are able to handle a difficult situation. A strong person is capable  to feel physically and emotionally healthy. Usually we think that a strong person has to have muscles and strength, but being an actual strong person is to have a strong mind set.


Where do you see yourself after high school?
Idk... because things can change from one day to the other.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


"What would you do if you had 24 hours left to live?"
"I'd do illegal things." 

Friday, March 13, 2015


"Do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?"
"Both actually because crying can be a sign of surrender, which it would mean weakness.  But lets say the crying is for a goal and not wanting to give up, that crying is a sign of strength. Crying is just a sign of both but it depends on how people look at it."


"How do you picture yourself in the future?"
"Well, I want to go to college to become a psychologist, and get a PHD, and I want to minor in envirnomental studies. I want to help as many people as I can, and grow to be independent."

Thursday, March 12, 2015


"What or who made you who you are today?
                   "At a young age I hung out with my brother and friends and the rest was just me."
"How did you lead your life when you were younger?"
                     "Like I do now, through critical thinking, thorough examination, and what I thought was morally right or wrong."

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


What do you want to be when you grow up?
That's not something I want to think about right now. 
It's a tough question, I'm still young, and very indecisive. My mind can change at any moment. 

Monday, March 9, 2015


What's one of your favorite movies?
Bridesmaids, because it's funny...And I just found out it was based in Milwaukee.


"Have you ever had a life changing event?"
"Yes, of course."
"What did it change?"
"It changed how I saw myself and the people around me."

Thursday, March 5, 2015


How do you like it here at Veritas?
I love it. I've never worked at a charter school before, and it's definitely different than what I'm used to, especially the size of it.I love the smallness of the school, because I feel that it brings a good vibe for the teachers and students to share.
Would you change anything about it?
No. Not off the top of my head. Veritas is really unique and I like it a lot.

Monday, March 2, 2015


How do you feel about the cold?
I like it until Christmas, but after it is just redundant.



What's something that has made you the person 
you are today? 
When I would ask for help, nobody would listen to me, which made me independent and not rely on other people for help. My girlfriend was also the one who changed me.
She changed me into the person I am today which made me a better person.  

Friday, February 27, 2015


What is a quality you admire in people?
That's hard to answer. I guess the quality I admire in people 
is when they are genuinely nice. Friendliness.


Where do you see yourself in 10 years? 
Far, far away.
Why far away? 
Cause there's nothing left here for me.
Nothing left?
Yeah, just nothing I want to be a part of in Milwaukee.