Friday, November 16, 2018

Oscar Teran

                                                                       Oscar Teran 

                                                What do you think will happen when you die?

When I die, there will be both real and fake tears, both of which people will not be able to distinguish. When I die, I will, at last, be free of all the pain and suffering I have experienced throughout the walk of life. My loved ones will cry, and for every tear they shed, a memory of me shall prevail. My enemies will disguise their happiness of my death as a mockery of a pain, a facade, and so on with tears, tears that come from the venomous of snakes, my death will bring joy and cheers to my enemies. To the friends who stood with me during the times where I laughed, they will remember the times where my tears ran down my red, burning cheeks, they will remember the sound of my laughter, the poise I picked myself up with, and the pieces I was able to create with my hands, always stained with the mark of my marker strokes. I only pray that when my time comes, my soul will be free, and everyone who I love will remember me as a strong person. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Zelma Leon Guerrero

What is the purpose of the human experience? For me, the purpose of the human experience is to make mistakes. It’s okay to do mistakes because I once heard that “life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” The purpose of the human experience is to learn, take risks because life is too short and you don’t have a promised tomorrow. Our purpose is also to make a change, make the world better, you can simply do that by giving somebody a smile when they most need it. All of us are a big family and if we are going to be on this Earth until it’s our time to leave we must treat each other like one. Live life at its fullest, but just don’t forget to respect each other.


What is the secret to a happy life?

“The secret to a happy life is loving yourself because nobody can judge you from the way you are. No one should care how you feel, how to live, and what to wear. If you don't love yourself you cannot have a happy life, you are not going to have a good future, you need to believe in yourself. Quality time is spent with family and friends. Why do you need to change your looks if the only thing that matters is being “you” and be able to live a good life. For me, I have to deal with my sister with depression because it’s not easy for her deciding what to do in her future. It all starts by loving myself, and then that love spreads to others. If I give happiness in her life, I can help her get rid of her depression and be able to decide of what she really wants to do in her future. I may not be the best brother, but at least I’m supporting her in any possible way. Be the version of yourself, that’s what matters to a secret happy life.”

Friday, November 9, 2018

Leslie Dorantes

What was the hardest thing you’ve had to experience?

Leslie Dorantes, her father's residency was being questioned. He was in danger of getting deported. It was difficult because it would have been her father that would have been gone, or  the whole family would have left so that they wouldn’t be seperated. It hit her on an emotional level because her relationship with her father isn’t the best. She quoted, “He is physically there, but not emotionally.” She then mentioned that regardless of her relationship with her father, she still respects and loves him unconditionally. To her it does not matter how others feel because at the end of the day it is just her and that's all that should be important. And even though they did not have the best relationship knowing that her father would have been gone hurt her. Blood is family no matter what. 


My least favorite word is "fake". I detest this word because I love honesty, and I believe that the world would be a better place if we were more honest to each other. I admire people who are honest and are not afraid to be who they are no matter what. Who stand for what they believe and say things eye to eye. I cannot stand people who are fake and act in a different way in front of others in order to fit in society, be part of a group, or to be liked by others.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Samantha Mejia

What is the definition of love?

My definition of love is that there isn't one. Love gets redefined every day. Whether it be this undying force that cannot be changed or gotten rid of or something that is just a figment of our imagination. We made up the word for a feeling, a feeling that is different for every single person in the world. It's almost wrong to give such a word a solid definition. For me right now, I don't know what love is but I know that when I feel it, no words ever created could describe that feeling. Love has no labels or definition. It's just love. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Juan Castillo

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my young self that even when times seem hard, keep going at it. By the time I was 13 years old, I would see myself as a failure and I would at times feel sad and wonder, why was I so different. I had bad grades and I never did anything to fix them, I liked going home and playing video games and never did homework. If I could tell my past self-something it would be to be happy, good things will come from it, try hard and you will succeed.