Monday, March 25, 2019

Richie R.

What is the lesson it's taken you the longest to learn?

"The lesson that has taken me the longest to learn is finding motivation. It took me years to understand that I had to try my best at school. That comes with motivation and in order to succeed, you have to put the work in. Motivation for me is finding what drives you as a person and to keep moving forward." -- Richie Roque

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Esteban T,

Worst Experience - The worst experience I’ve ever had was going at it with my dad, to the point that things got physical. I was out and my brother accidentally set the microwave on fire. My dad was beyond mad, and when I got there I knew I had to defend my brother and mother at all costs. “Mi papa loco, imaginate yo.” This is why I’m here today.  
What is Love - Love is the trust between two people, the respect you give yourself as well as your partner, that is the greatest depiction of love you can give and have.