Monday, February 26, 2018


How do you reach happiness? 
You reach happiness by doing the things you love, and being around the people who you love. You can't be happy if you do things you don't like, and you can't be happy if you're always around negative people. Make sure you look for a future career in which you'd enjoy doing everyday, not something that pays a ton of money if that wouldn't make you happy. Also make sure to put yourself with people who are supportive of you, they will be the ones who will make you happy in the end.

Friday, February 23, 2018


What advice would you give your younger self?

What I would tell my younger self is to love myself….. As a child I was insecure of everything, race, color, status, everything. I had friends telling me that God gives you stuff and I have learned to love myself.  Now I say that everybody is special in their own way. So I leave you with this, don't let anyone bring you down because you are beautiful in every way.
We are all unique and that's all that matters.”


What made you who you are today?

Growing up, back in elementary and middle school, I would get into fights over dumb things that people would say to me and over the time I got mad faster. Coming into high school, I didn’t wanna take anything serious because I thought that it was all a joke. The only thing that would calm me down is sports. Throughout freshman year I tried football to keep me occupied, away from doing any dumb things. Sophomore year during basketball things didn’t work out for me because I almost got into a fight and that’s when I got suspended. Once I got suspended I realized that I had to change my attitude and the way I acted to be a better person. Junior year, once my older brother left to basic training, I realized I had to be the bigger person because I had a younger brother that looked up to me. Teachers recognized how much I changed for the better.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


What is your favorite word?
Her favorite word is Liasion. She likes this word because she likes the way she pronounces the word. Also how the word sounds with an accent. The definition is someone who helps with a close working relationship. 

Monday, February 12, 2018


If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be and how would you change it?

One thing I would change is helping the homeless dogs. I would change this by looking into dog shelters that are willing to take them or even families. Dogs can be a human's best friend.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


What advice would you give to your younger self? Why would you give yourself this advice?

The advice I would give to my younger self is to be strong. For most of my childhood, I could vividly remember going to school fearful that I was gonna run into the same bully everyday. And all I would do is stand there and take his comments. It's like someone was stabbing me constantly but I wouldn't react. The person I've become is someone that I know would have never stood for anything negative said towards me. I was such a coward but it wasn't until freshmen year that I realized confidence is one of the strongest characteristics a person could have. It gives you the power to do things even outside of your comfort zone. This is something I would tell my younger self and I know he would listen because I'm the person I wanted to grow up to be. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


I think that little me would be proud of me honestly. I went through so much in my past and all of it sculpted me into the person I am now. When I was little I didn't do that well in school and now I do amazing in school and I didn't think I would have because I didn't really care about school. Now I know that school is a big deal and that it is important though.