Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marlenie Hernandez

What is the lesson it’s taken you the longest to learn?

"It has taken me the longest to learn that although you may be the most caring, loving and respectful towards someone, they can use that against you. This applies to both relationships and friendships. Some will be selfish and take advantage of you, so it’s up to you to realize their true intentions. I always look at the good in someone, so although they might give signs of not being the best person ever, maybe even toxic, I overlook it and give them chances."

Friday, September 20, 2019

Jolissa Valdez

"What is the secret to a happy life?”

“The secret to a happy life is surrounding yourself with people who uplift and empower you. Having a support system, whether it’s just one or two people,  that you can count on for anything is essential. For me personally, when I’m not happy, I need to vent and talk out my emotions with someone I trust. Doing this keeps me leveled and balanced. I am not always happy but I do think that I live a relatively happy life and it’s all because of the people that I keep close to me.”

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jorge Daniel-Medina

What is the root of all hate? 
"I believe the root of all evil is how someone is raised. As a person is young, they tend to believe what adults tell them since they are the more responsible ones. It is the job of an adult to make sure these ideas don’t get confused, but sometimes adults don’t correct themselves and allow their children to believe a falsely stated opinion. Once this opinion is engraved into their minds, they’ll stick to this idea and spread their belief, causing a cycle of hate that continues forever."
Is there a remedy for hate, racism, and prejudice?
"I believe there will never be a remedy for hate, racism, or prejudice because everyone has a different perspective on subjects and one's own words cannot change another’s opinion. It is only a matter of teaching children how they can treat others with kindness, and to not be tainted by the negativity in this world."


What is your favorite sound? 
My favorite sound is laughter. 
Why is it your favorite sound?
Laughter is my favorite sound because it reminds me of a good time.
I like hearing people having fun and it gets me into cheery mood.
It’s a good way to see other people are happy and not gloomy all the time. 

Friday, September 6, 2019


"What has been one of your biggest regrets in your years of high school?"

“Looking back to moments when I know I could've done the extra work to get better at school.”

"Why is that one of your biggest regrets?"

“After looking back I know I really could have done better and it was in me but I still took the decisions knowing how they would affect me in the future.”

"What advice do you have for future students?"

“If you know you can do it just do it because the time will go by fast and you will see that it was really worth it.”

"How do you move on of your regrets?"

"You make something better out of the regrets.”

Thursday, September 5, 2019


I feel the presence of love when…
“I am surrounded by people I care about. I think that is what love is about...
Supporting people and showing them you care about them.”