Monday, November 23, 2015



What is the biggest struggle you’ve ever been through? 
Seeing my mom disappointed.
It makes me feel as if I should do more.
Any advice for Veritas students?
Listen to your parents and make them proud.


What is the scariest thing you have lived through?
The scariest thing I've ever lived through was that I could've been dead by now. There were so many times where I faced death. I Almost got ran over when I was a 13, I drowned in a pool for 3 minutes and I almost slammed in a car.
How does this make you feel now?
I'm grateful that I'm given the chance to step foot on earth every day because I have been on the brink of death multiple times. If any of those things did happen I wouldn't be around right now telling my story.

Monday, November 16, 2015


What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
I would have come out a long time ago...Come out from the ‘closet’.
How do you feel about it?
I am not ashamed of it. Ever since freshman year, I was quiet about it. Senior year, I see myself different, more sociable with everybody, I go out more with my boyfriend, and he made me love myself for who I am. He also told me that my life can change for a better one. I also want to say that I owe a lot to Fatima, she was a big part of it. I learned to love and accept myself for who I am. I also want to give advice for anyone going through the same situation, you are never alone, there are people just like you, but also don’t feel pressured to come out from there.

Friday, November 13, 2015


Who inspires you the most?
I inspire my self, because I feel like nobody can motivate me or inspire me more than my self.
If I didn't think that, what would I do when I have no one around me to inspire me or motivate me. I also feel that if you're your own motivation and inspiration you are a stronger person than most because you don't need anybody.


What was the most difficult time in your life?
The hardest moment of my life would be when I had to move to be away from my mom for a whole year.
It was difficult because she’s my mom and I love her a lot. It was hard to adjust to life without her because I could only see her over a camera. It was a very emotional time for me.


What has been your biggest accomplishment so far and why?
Personally for me I believe getting a job was my biggest accomplishment. A job signifies my growth as an adult and I felt like a little bit of my life was coming together. It was almost like saying "goodbye" to my anxiety and "hello" to the new me. I might not have the most prestigious career in the world but the experiences and people I’ve met, I wouldn't trade it for the world.


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What is a sad moment in your life? 
My parents divorce. I was 6 years old and my sister was a couple months old. I remember when they fought.

What was the most hardest thing for you? 
My Sexuality. Coming out to my parents and friends. I didn’t accept it at first, but I kept telling myself that I needed to like girls.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


What has been one of the biggest challenges in your life?
Biggest challenge...Hmmmmm. I think maybe one of my biggest challenges that I’ve come across is finding acceptance. Yeah, I know that probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense,but it’s like the only way I can describe it. Acceptance. Acceptance within myself. Acceptance with people walking out of my life. And acceptance with people coming in. Just accepting change and having faith that it can be for the better.

Friday, November 6, 2015



What regret have you carried with you and what would you do to change it?

I don’t regret a damn thing in life. What I’ve done, good or bad, got me to where I am today.



What has been one of your biggest challenges in life?
One of my biggest challenges has been accepting and loving myself.
I feel pressured by social media; they tell you what you should be. They are unreachable standards that are ludicrous.

Jorge B.


Are you holding onto something that you need to let go of?
What's stopping you from letting it go?
...I'm holding onto something that I can't forget... I can’t let it go...because i'm paranoid of letting it go…