Friday, April 29, 2016


How do you feel about your high school experience?
I feel like I improved as a person. I am secure about myself because as the years passed by I learned to express myself and speak up.
Do you regret anything?
Yes, I regret not working hard enough academically and joining a sport or club.

Friday, April 22, 2016


What is the saddest moment of your life? How has this shaped you to the person you are today?
When I was 7, my aunt, which was like my mother, passed away. I didn't really know what was going on. Now, that I am a lot older, I finally realize that she is truly gone.This makes me say what I feel more often because now I know that one day I won't be able to express myself as much as I can right now. Also, tell people you love them because you will never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


What's the toughest situation you have ever been in?
Seeing my mom crying when her mom passed. My mom wasn't able to ever say bye because my parents aren't documented and she wasn't able to see her one last time.


Do you ask for forgiveness and  forgive easily, 
not because you're weak, but because you know better?
As humans, it’s always going to be hard to forgive someone who has done us wrong and has caused a deep pain. I think we are all born with at least a seed size of pride. It’s something that has stained the human race, so when it comes to asking for forgiveness, everyone runs away from the situation. This barrier of pride has destroyed many friendships, relationships and other ships. NOBODY BECOMES WEAK BY FORGIVING OR BY ASKING FORGIVENESS. In fact, this shows great maturity and strength in the individual; it's an act of courage.
What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
I like to analyze my life and I think it's good for personal growth. I believe that in this solitary, lonely, isolated  moment, I am able to see many of my errors and the things that are and aren’t necessary for me to change.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Do you judge a book by its cover?
I try not to. I believe you should get to know a person instead of criticizing right off the bat. If you tend to judge someone by the cover, it just means you are insecure about yourself. If you live your whole life judging people, you will never create real friendships. You will be known as a critical person. If you judge someone on their features, you will come to realize 
that not everyone’s features match their personalities.  



Is there anything you regret doing or not doing? Why?

What I regret is not spending enough time with one of my family members who passed away with cancer, since I know I won’t ever see him again.


If you had 24 hours to do anything what would you do?
Become a dealer for 24 hours and make enough money to retire at 18.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Describe a moment in your life that has made you who you are today?
When my sister passed away
Why did this moment impact you so much?

It changed me because it made me realize how much you need to appreciate life and not just sit there because if you just sit there, what will people remember you by? You need to get out and live life.

Monday, April 18, 2016



What’s one thing you want to do before you graduate high school?
I want to make amends with people I have had problems with and get all the drama out of the way because it’s pointless and very unnecessary to have.



Do we really have free will?

It’s like 'yes' and 'no'; 'yes', certain situations we have control over like owning a business and going to the store, so basically no restrictions. 'No' because there is a catch to everything, like the saying 'this is a free country’.


    What do you strongly believe in?
Something that I strongly believe in, and urge everyone to believe in, is positivity. Nowadays, you see too many people being distraught over a guy/gal, or something that you don’t have much control over. Move on and be happy. Go outside, meet new people, try new foods, go pet dogs, read a book, update your snapchat story. My point is, just stay positive, man.



How do you feel about graduation?
Honestly, I’m scared because I don’t know what I’m doing after we graduate. I plan on going to college, but I don’t know what I’m going to study yet. 
I’m also going to miss everyone, so I’m sad too.
Were your last four years at Veritas well lived?

I think they were. I made some of the best memories of my life here, along with some of the best friends ever. There are some things I regret not doing, but I wouldn’t want to go back and change my high school experience at all.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Are you afraid of losing anything? Why?

My brother Eduardo because he is the baby of the family. He is so sweet and innocent and our bond is so close. Even though he is young, I feel that he listens to my problems.

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Monday, April 11, 2016



What was the hardest period in your life?
Well, to be honest, I've been through a lot of things, but I think that the hardest period in my life would be being bullied. Being bullied traumatized me a lot, all thanks  to stereotypes. People thought I was gay, when reality was that I wasn't. It was a daily life filled with insults and slurs. I used to be afraid of going out to the stores and people looking at me, or just people whispering would make me anxious. It wasn't just strangers, it was family too, but I decided to put all of that behind me and stand up for myself. Now, I really don't care what they think about me. They can talk, but I'll always be me. "You're not gonna tell me who I am, I'm going to tell you who I am."-Onika

Friday, April 8, 2016



What do you want your tombstone to say?

Be yourself, and screw what people say. A happy life revolves around positive and motivating people. If anyone is doing anything but that, you don’t need them!


What would you do differently if you knew nobody would judge you?
Speak my mind more, and dress with more comfy clothes, like sweatpants.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2016



What's the one thing that people always misunderstand about you? How did this make you feel?
Students thought that I was mean and stuck up, but really I was shy and did not talk with people. This made me realize that I had no reason to be shy 
and so this made me become friendly.


What are you most afraid of?
I'm afraid of breaking a leg because I won't be able to play soccer.
Who do you most admire in life?
My mom because she helps me through all my stuff, 
helps me out with my problems, and gives me advice.



What’s your favorite holiday and why?My favorite holiday would be Thanksgiving because I get to spend time with family and there's always food on the table.You get to give thanks for everything you have in life.