Wednesday, May 22, 2019


What is your least favorite word?
My least favorite word would definitely have to be 'savage'. This is because that is what the Native Americans were falsely called when voyagers arrived at what is now known as America. When I hear this word, a feeling of discomfort reaches me. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


What is the lesson it has taken you the longest to learn?
- The lesson it has taken me the longest to learn… is letting go and moving forward, Life is about learning from mistakes and moving on.  it's never easy but there comes a point in our lives when it becomes inevitable. It can be a painful and challenging choice but once it's done you feel relief because you no longer have that sense of uncertainty. Letting go can be interpreted in numerous ways. Either the end to something or space for new experiences and opportunities. I always try to look at the positive side of things.


                                         what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self

I would say to always trust in God and in His plan for your life because sometimes I would stress about the future or about situations I would go through but with time I learned to trust in His process and that things happen for a reason and they help you grow as a person.

Monday, May 13, 2019


Question: What is the Purpose of Forgiveness?
People often find it hard to say the word sorry and they rather live with resentment. I can say it from experience, I feel a great sense of peace when I tell the other person that I have made a mistake and that I feel sorry. The purpose of forgiveness is to have peace with yourself and with the other person; to live a life without owing anything to anyone, to live life without fearing what others will say about you.  


                                                     What do you think will happen when you die?
When we die and find out that heaven does in fact exist, I want to hear god say thank you, I'm proud of you, you've done what's been needed on this earth for so long. I'm changing the world, and I don't know what the inclination to do so comes from, whether it be the fact that I'm such a big hearted person, or that god has willed me to change the world, but it's going to happen. and when it does, I want him to tell me how good I was down here. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


What is your definition of love?

My definition of love is caring for someone and being there for them when they need you. If you love someone you should feel good around them and feel happy. Loving someone can be hard but it's worth it when that person means a lot to you. I also think loving someone is giving them your time and your energy and making them feel wanted.


The hardest thing that I had and somewhat still experience is living without a father figure. I never knew what it was like to have a connection with a dad. And although I never had that relationship, my mom filled in the blank space. And I appreciate it because it made me realize that I didn't really need him as I was growing. He missed a lot from my childhood like important school events, birthday parties, my first steps, and my first words. However; now I have my step-father, which isn’t exactly the same, and we don’t have a strong bond, but he does tend to help me out here and there. Which to all I can say that my mom has raised me well, and give her the credit for it.

Monday, May 6, 2019


What profession would you not like to do?

The profession I would like not to do is one where I am not happy. For example, working in an office, I find that really boring. If I go to any profession, I would like to be comfortable and do something different every day. A job that does not interfere much with my personal life would be great. I think having time for myself and my family would play a huge role because it is always better to keep your relationship with those who you love. I would like to be able to go to my soccer games and have some fun with friends. Salary is also important because you want to work somewhere you earn enough money to move forward and pay for any expenses.


                            Question: "What's the lesson that's taken you the longest to learn?"
Response: “I’ve always had a problem waiting. People always tell me to wait for my time. A good example of my problem waiting is one of my most vivid childhood memories. When I was six, I wanted to help my father cut the grass, but I couldn’t operate such heavy machinery. So later, my father bought me a plastic lawnmower because I could not wait to get older and help him out. Another example is when I couldn’t wait to work. When I was 13 years old, I had the opportunity to help my dad at the bakery store. It wasn’t a 13-year-old job, but I got the work done. I cannot wait. There are so many things in life that I want to do before I die that sometimes I feel like I won’t have enough time to complete them. Life is getting crazier and it's not getting any better. You never know what will happen tomorrow. And personally, that is one of my biggest fears.”