Monday, October 17, 2016



"What has been something that has challenged you in life?"
“Obstacles, and what I mean by that is challenges as you follow a dream because no one just makes it to their dream from one day to another. There are things that will make it hard to get there and that is what my challenge is: trying to reach my dream.”

Friday, October 14, 2016


“If a genie appeared in your room and granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?”
I would wish for my dad to come back so that he can see how far I've come. My second wish would be to have world peace so that people don't have to die in a tragic way. Finally for my third wish is for my family to be happy so that they don't have to face the things that they're dealing with right now.”


"What is something you are thankful for everyday?"
"I am thankful for my family, even if we argue and mess with each other, I love them and they're the best thing that has ever happened to me." 
"Are they all you're thankful for?" 
"Um yeah and friends, my life, and that I am alive." 


“What qualities do you look for in a girl?”
“Well, first I look at semblance and then personality.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“As far as qualities go, for someone’s personality, I mainly look for someone who is the opposite of me. I need someone more fun and entertaining than I am. I need someone who is louder than me (and not anti-social). Someone who can push me to be more social. The only thing for in common is a person’s mentality. Or at least someone who is mature. Not to sound like a narcissist and stuck up.”

Friday, October 7, 2016


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"If you could choose just one thing to change about the world,
what would it be?"
“If given the option pertaining to these matters, I would change the negative morals that are seemingly ineradicable from modern society. Should the world wish to move forward in a positive manner, it is the riddance of ignorance that provides aid in altering the societal structures and the mannerisms in each individual. It is important that each individual is able to be self-directed as opposed to depending on someone else’s judgement or ideals for approval. Being able to think for yourself is a prominent aspect in such matters of self dependence and prosperity;without it, humankind would not  flourish.”


"What has been the most painful thing you’ve experience in your high school years?"
"My parents separated last year; it affected me academically, and brought me into this funk. If I could go back I’d probably tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and to not let it affect me."



“Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?”

"Yes, because I always stick by my friends and I want them to know that I’m always there for them. Even when people do me wrong, I still go back because it’s hard to
forget people who gave you so much to remember."


"What is something people don’t know about you?"
“I can be shy. I don't always play around, I also have my serious side.”
"What are some things on your bucket list?"
"Go to Spain, live in Mexico, open up my own shop, have a Camaro ZL1.
"What would you like to do in the near future?"  
“ I want to be a Diesel Engine Mechanic.”

Thursday, October 6, 2016


"What has been one of the most difficult encounters in your life?"
“The most difficult encounter has been dealing with the loss of my grandpa.
He was like a father to me and losing him was a big hit for me.”
-Edgar Merino
RIP December 17th, 2008

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


"I've been here since freshmen year and my Veritas experience has so far been descent. It's more different than than my expectations of what it was going to be like for a typical high school experience, but I am grateful for my friends and the education I am receiving."

Monday, October 3, 2016



"If you could have dinner with any one person, living Or dead, Who would they be And why?"

"I would want to have dinner with my sister. She died at a young age and I wasn't born yet so I wasn't able to meet her. Meeting her and having diner with her would be an awesome thing because I have been around brothers my whole life and finally being able to talk to my sister would be a great thing and it would be different. I would be able to experience something I haven't experienced before."