Friday, April 26, 2019

María Abarca

What is your definition of love?

Love is that feeling where you leave your pride and selfishness aside and give all support to that person that you love. Love is a decision we make every day by deciding to love that person every day. Between everything, it's important to know that God is love and that love is not just found in one person in particular, but it is found within us and within the people that surround us.

Why do you say this?

I say this because I had to go through a very difficult path in order to learn that love is found within me. Sometimes life experiences help us learn to value ourselves and those around us that always support us. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Ishmael Zavala

The purpose of forgiveness is… 

“You can forgive in others or people can forgive you from the mistake you made. The purpose of forgiveness is to learn from the mistakes. You basically just Live and learn throughout life. I think forgiveness is important so that we as people can learn and grow as humans. To show who we can trust so that you don’t end up in the same spot. Forgiveness is not for the benefit for them,  but the benefit for yourself. To prove that you are capable of healing from the pain. Forgiveness doesn't mean forget what they did and move on from your life but hoping that the person that hurt you learn from their mistake. Forgiveness isn’t something you get right away. Forgiveness is a process, which means it can take hours to years to finally understand the power of forgiveness. Once you have forgiven the stress and the madness is gone.”

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Veronica Zavala

What is the secret to a happy life? 

The secret to a happy life is to live in the moment. Reality is what you are encountering in this very moment; not the thoughts and feelings that we focus from the past or future. You’ll begin to have a profound admiration for your life if you just live in the moment.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

The advice I would give my younger self is to enjoy life. Growing up, I was always focused on the future and so focused on school and work, I never had time to just have fun. 

Jorge Benito

What is the purpose of the human experience?
I think that the purpose of the human experience is to do mistakes and to learn from them, and time here is not forever. Because everything is superficial, knowledge is what stays with you forever, until your death bed.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
I'd tell, my younger self to live my life more because I can grow later, I don't have to grow up so quickly and to continue to learn from my mistakes, because they will follow me up to the rest of my life.