Wednesday, December 21, 2016


"Which parent are you closer to and why?"
"I would have to say my mom because I tell her everything that happens in my life. She gives me the best advice and she keeps it real and
I know no matter what she will always be by my side. "


“If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?”  
"I would rather  be left alone so that my bad mood wouldn’t reflect on anyone else. I think it’s better to keep my comments to myself instead of saying things out loud knowing I would later regret it. Although I do think it’s always helpful to have someone who listens and supports you, if I’m in a bad mood, I would rather be left alone to think and calm down."

Tuesday, December 20, 2016


“What do you think about most by yourself?”
“Life, future, what do I really want to do. Do I want to go to college? What would be my Major? Outside of education, I think about the life of the people around me, like what could I do? To make myself succeed & others- since I am so family oriented. Also, how can I make my mom happy? And make her feel like she succeeds in her job as a mother.”
“What do you want to happen in your future?”
“Well, let's see. I obviously want to go to college to study business & have my own shoe retail store (since shoes are my passion).”
“So, like Foot Locker?”
“Yea, something like that, haha. Also, buy my mother a house.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


What’s the one thing you would like to change about yourself?   
The one thing that I would like to change about myself is my attitude because due to my attitude I have pushed many people away and caused a lot of sadness along the way.

Monday, December 12, 2016


Why are you called the “meme master"?  
I like dank memes and I steal them and sell them on the black market.
How come many people here at Veritas have never heard of you?
I keep it lowkey, I deal lowkey.
If there is anything you would change about your life at Veritas what would it be?
Dealing more dank memes.
Are you happy with your social life here at the school?
No I don’t have a lot of classes with my friends, and they don’t let us talk a lot here.

Friday, December 9, 2016


Why did you decide to change schools?
I decided to change schools because I saw that Veritas was going to challenge me, and I wanted more academics. Also I wanted a school with way less people. To me a school of 250 people is a lot better than a school of 1500 people.


Could you tell me a bit about the job you had before becoming Veritas security guard?
I have been a police officer for 26 years. The most enjoyable part for me was being assigned to the police motorcycle unit. I was not only assigned to districts but I also worked in the tactical unit a.k.a. the SWAT team. I was promoted to a sergeant.

Friday, December 2, 2016


What or who would you sacrifice your life for?
My parents, simply because they have sacrificed more especially for me and my siblings. They provided us with everything we could need...
Making them the two special people I would sacrifice my life for.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


What makes you unique?
My key to uniqueness is that I'm one of a kind; I laugh at my own jokes and break into singing a lot when I'm bored. Ignorance is bliss; if you don't know, than you don't care.

Friday, November 18, 2016


How has your high school experience been so far? 
It has been good so far. I like the small classrooms and the teachers are nice. I like that the school is small so everyone knows what is going on.
 Do you regret coming here? 
 No because I had been looking forward to coming here ever since I was in middle school.

Monday, November 14, 2016


"If you had to sum up Veritas in three words what would they be? And why? Be honest!"
"If I had to sum up Veritas in three words, I would say Veritas is inspirational in the way that it inspires me to keep going, eye opening because of how much they care and want you to succeed, and last but not least kind, like the teachers and the staff here are care about you and your future ."

Friday, November 11, 2016


“Did you like attending Veritas for four fears?”
“I didn’t like Veritas for the majority of freshman year but then I got used to the people and the place towards the end of the year.”
“Why didn’t you like it in the beginning?”
“Because it was too small and I wanted to go to a big high school.”
“If you had to change one thing what would it be?”
“I wish that I did better in the first two years of high school because it would look better for colleges. Also, the school is too small so MAKE IT BIGGER!”

Monday, October 17, 2016



"What has been something that has challenged you in life?"
“Obstacles, and what I mean by that is challenges as you follow a dream because no one just makes it to their dream from one day to another. There are things that will make it hard to get there and that is what my challenge is: trying to reach my dream.”

Friday, October 14, 2016


“If a genie appeared in your room and granted you 3 wishes, what would you wish for?”
I would wish for my dad to come back so that he can see how far I've come. My second wish would be to have world peace so that people don't have to die in a tragic way. Finally for my third wish is for my family to be happy so that they don't have to face the things that they're dealing with right now.”


"What is something you are thankful for everyday?"
"I am thankful for my family, even if we argue and mess with each other, I love them and they're the best thing that has ever happened to me." 
"Are they all you're thankful for?" 
"Um yeah and friends, my life, and that I am alive." 


“What qualities do you look for in a girl?”
“Well, first I look at semblance and then personality.”
“Can you be more specific?”
“As far as qualities go, for someone’s personality, I mainly look for someone who is the opposite of me. I need someone more fun and entertaining than I am. I need someone who is louder than me (and not anti-social). Someone who can push me to be more social. The only thing for in common is a person’s mentality. Or at least someone who is mature. Not to sound like a narcissist and stuck up.”

Friday, October 7, 2016


Displaying IMG_2151.JPG
"If you could choose just one thing to change about the world,
what would it be?"
“If given the option pertaining to these matters, I would change the negative morals that are seemingly ineradicable from modern society. Should the world wish to move forward in a positive manner, it is the riddance of ignorance that provides aid in altering the societal structures and the mannerisms in each individual. It is important that each individual is able to be self-directed as opposed to depending on someone else’s judgement or ideals for approval. Being able to think for yourself is a prominent aspect in such matters of self dependence and prosperity;without it, humankind would not  flourish.”


"What has been the most painful thing you’ve experience in your high school years?"
"My parents separated last year; it affected me academically, and brought me into this funk. If I could go back I’d probably tell myself that everything happens for a reason, and to not let it affect me."



“Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?”

"Yes, because I always stick by my friends and I want them to know that I’m always there for them. Even when people do me wrong, I still go back because it’s hard to
forget people who gave you so much to remember."


"What is something people don’t know about you?"
“I can be shy. I don't always play around, I also have my serious side.”
"What are some things on your bucket list?"
"Go to Spain, live in Mexico, open up my own shop, have a Camaro ZL1.
"What would you like to do in the near future?"  
“ I want to be a Diesel Engine Mechanic.”

Thursday, October 6, 2016


"What has been one of the most difficult encounters in your life?"
“The most difficult encounter has been dealing with the loss of my grandpa.
He was like a father to me and losing him was a big hit for me.”
-Edgar Merino
RIP December 17th, 2008

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


"I've been here since freshmen year and my Veritas experience has so far been descent. It's more different than than my expectations of what it was going to be like for a typical high school experience, but I am grateful for my friends and the education I am receiving."

Monday, October 3, 2016



"If you could have dinner with any one person, living Or dead, Who would they be And why?"

"I would want to have dinner with my sister. She died at a young age and I wasn't born yet so I wasn't able to meet her. Meeting her and having diner with her would be an awesome thing because I have been around brothers my whole life and finally being able to talk to my sister would be a great thing and it would be different. I would be able to experience something I haven't experienced before."

Friday, September 23, 2016



"What in life are you the most grateful for?"
"Can you be more specific?"
"Relationships in general. I don’t necessarily mean family, friends or romance. Just knowing that I have people there for me when I need them and knowing that I have people to talk to when I need to talk to someone is really important to me."


“You’re standing in front of heaven's gates, and God asks you 'why should I let you in?'
what do you reply with?"

"This world has turned into a different place, and we as humans have suffered enough. I want to see my uncle in heaven because I never got a chance to be in this world to see him."


“If you could change one problem in the world what would it be?”
“I would change racism because everyday isn't a day you should ever question, ‘Am I going to lose my life today?’ or asking yourself if you're going to experience any bigotry and one of the worst parts is that it doesn't go away. I can be very poor or very rich but I still have this, this black skin and when you see people who look like you die unlawfully everyday or when you hear about them getting frisked for no reason it makes you feel unworthy and that feeling of nothingness and unimportance is one of the worst feelings. I don't want to play victim or make people feel sorry for me. I just need people to listen. I need people to respect and realize what's wrong.”



"Individuals can often relate, in essence, to a specific animal that correlates with personality. What animal best represents you and why?"
"A cat represents me the best because I’m sassy, I’m a princess, I like me time, and I’m entertained by little things."
"Sometimes an individual chooses an animal solely based on its known superficial reputation while, at other times, an animal is chosen based on more personable qualities. Based on what I have just described, what is most relatable in the reasoning of your decision?"
"I would say that I took both reasons into account because I like nice things all the time and can never really afford anything. I would say that is what people think of cats...and myself as well."

Monday, September 19, 2016


"If you could be anywhere in the world for 24 hours where would you be?"
     “I would be in New York City because I feel like there is a lot of stuff to do there, and I would be able to enjoy my 24 hours the most there.¨  
"What would be your first priority once you are in NYC?"
     ¨To find the best pizza.¨   

Friday, September 16, 2016


"What makes you different from everyone here at Veritas?"
“Well, I am very different from everyone else because I am a former dancer, model, cheerleader, gymnast singer and actor. I have had a lot of personal experience with each of these fields outside of school and inside of school.“
"Out of all of the things that you did which one was your favorite and why?"
"I would have to say dance. Dance introduced me to all of the things that I've done and thanks to that I met a lot of important people. I am mostly recognized because of my dance career."

Thursday, September 15, 2016


"What was the best memory in your life so far?"
¨Probably the D.C trip.¨
¨I felt like our school bonded a lot and it was fun to see everything with friends."
"What would you say is the best part of the trip?"
¨It was really cool to see the monuments and landmarks, but it was even cooler to stay up late and laugh with everyone. Even though the long bus rides were horrible, it was fun to see everyone laugh and have a good time.¨
"Would you ever go again?"
¨In a heartbeat.¨

Wednesday, September 14, 2016



“Single? Taken? Or depends who's asking?”
“Now that that's out of the way, do you believe in love at first sight?”
"I would say both 'yes' and 'no' because you can instantly love a person’s outer image, but at the same time how can you love a stranger that you just met? When you truly love someone I’ve always thought that it’s because you’ve found something in them that makes you light up. On the other hand, just by looking at that person they can also sometimes make you light up."

Monday, September 12, 2016


"Do you believe in second chances?"
"It depends on what that person did. I think that everybody deserves a second chance because if they did something wrong this is their chance to make things the right way. Plus everyone makes mistakes, nobody is perfect. At the same time I don’t because it’s like that quote says 'Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.' So it’s like a 50/50, you never really know if giving that chance away will be worth it."   

Friday, September 9, 2016


“What has been your most embarrassing moment”

“My most embarrassing moment probably had to be when I was in fifth grade and I was playing jump rope with my friends. I remember it perfectly! When it was my turn to jump in, my pants decided to fall. Everyone saw my underwear and I was pants-less on the school playground. It made a hilarious memory, though.”



“If you had to write a letter to your younger self, what would you say? And why?”
“If I were to write a letter to my younger self I would say to put more effort into school so that in the future learning will become a lot easier. When I was younger I really didn’t care about my grades, but now that I am in high school my grades are one of my top priorities. Also, appreciate all that you have because you might not have it tomorrow. One of my greatest influences was one of my grade school teachers, Mr.G. He taught me to believe in myself, he was one of the main people that helped me have a growth mindset, instead of a fixed mindset."



What is your life's motto?

Your whole life can depend on what you make of it. I use this as my life motto because school is an important factor in my life. Also never doubt or fail yourself. Believe in yourself.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


What was the biggest struggle you have faced?
Well, it would probably have to be when I moved out of my parents house. It’s a big world out there and living away from home is a pretty big deal.
How did you cope with it?
My son is my everything. He gives me motivation for anything and everything. If I could give him the whole world I would do exactly that.

Friday, April 29, 2016


How do you feel about your high school experience?
I feel like I improved as a person. I am secure about myself because as the years passed by I learned to express myself and speak up.
Do you regret anything?
Yes, I regret not working hard enough academically and joining a sport or club.

Friday, April 22, 2016


What is the saddest moment of your life? How has this shaped you to the person you are today?
When I was 7, my aunt, which was like my mother, passed away. I didn't really know what was going on. Now, that I am a lot older, I finally realize that she is truly gone.This makes me say what I feel more often because now I know that one day I won't be able to express myself as much as I can right now. Also, tell people you love them because you will never know when it will be the last time you see them.

Thursday, April 21, 2016


What's the toughest situation you have ever been in?
Seeing my mom crying when her mom passed. My mom wasn't able to ever say bye because my parents aren't documented and she wasn't able to see her one last time.


Do you ask for forgiveness and  forgive easily, 
not because you're weak, but because you know better?
As humans, it’s always going to be hard to forgive someone who has done us wrong and has caused a deep pain. I think we are all born with at least a seed size of pride. It’s something that has stained the human race, so when it comes to asking for forgiveness, everyone runs away from the situation. This barrier of pride has destroyed many friendships, relationships and other ships. NOBODY BECOMES WEAK BY FORGIVING OR BY ASKING FORGIVENESS. In fact, this shows great maturity and strength in the individual; it's an act of courage.
What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
I like to analyze my life and I think it's good for personal growth. I believe that in this solitary, lonely, isolated  moment, I am able to see many of my errors and the things that are and aren’t necessary for me to change.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Do you judge a book by its cover?
I try not to. I believe you should get to know a person instead of criticizing right off the bat. If you tend to judge someone by the cover, it just means you are insecure about yourself. If you live your whole life judging people, you will never create real friendships. You will be known as a critical person. If you judge someone on their features, you will come to realize 
that not everyone’s features match their personalities.  



Is there anything you regret doing or not doing? Why?

What I regret is not spending enough time with one of my family members who passed away with cancer, since I know I won’t ever see him again.


If you had 24 hours to do anything what would you do?
Become a dealer for 24 hours and make enough money to retire at 18.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Describe a moment in your life that has made you who you are today?
When my sister passed away
Why did this moment impact you so much?

It changed me because it made me realize how much you need to appreciate life and not just sit there because if you just sit there, what will people remember you by? You need to get out and live life.

Monday, April 18, 2016



What’s one thing you want to do before you graduate high school?
I want to make amends with people I have had problems with and get all the drama out of the way because it’s pointless and very unnecessary to have.



Do we really have free will?

It’s like 'yes' and 'no'; 'yes', certain situations we have control over like owning a business and going to the store, so basically no restrictions. 'No' because there is a catch to everything, like the saying 'this is a free country’.


    What do you strongly believe in?
Something that I strongly believe in, and urge everyone to believe in, is positivity. Nowadays, you see too many people being distraught over a guy/gal, or something that you don’t have much control over. Move on and be happy. Go outside, meet new people, try new foods, go pet dogs, read a book, update your snapchat story. My point is, just stay positive, man.



How do you feel about graduation?
Honestly, I’m scared because I don’t know what I’m doing after we graduate. I plan on going to college, but I don’t know what I’m going to study yet. 
I’m also going to miss everyone, so I’m sad too.
Were your last four years at Veritas well lived?

I think they were. I made some of the best memories of my life here, along with some of the best friends ever. There are some things I regret not doing, but I wouldn’t want to go back and change my high school experience at all.