Friday, April 8, 2016



What do you want your tombstone to say?

Be yourself, and screw what people say. A happy life revolves around positive and motivating people. If anyone is doing anything but that, you don’t need them!


  1. That's true. Your never going to please everyone. So might as well just go your own way. ;)

  2. That's true. Your never going to please everyone. So might as well just go your own way. ;)

  3. I agree with her also, because you should be happy and not let anything get to you.

  4. I agree. I think that you should always surround yourself with positive and genuine people. If you are around people who are always negative all the time and want to see you down,then are they really a genuine friend? Nope.

  5. I like this question, something different. I agree with Gabby, you will never make everyone happy so might as well be your true self. If you're friends don't motivate or support you, then they are toxic friendships and you should definitely get rid of them.

  6. I totally agree with Gabby. Screw what everyone says. You shouldn't care what people say, just be yourself. You should always be happy and positive and not focus on the negativity. You don't need to be friends with people who bring negative to you.

  7. I completely agree. People are going to judge you no matter what so why not own who you are and present yourself however you want. At the end of the day, it's your life.

  8. True we should all just be ourselves. Sometimes we care to much of what other people think. As for what I would put on my grave I would put "I spent (number of years) alive and all I get is a hole, this is bull".

  9. Honestly you just got to ignore the people that just put you down. If you don't live a happy life, then you're not living with those that make you want to live. Always be yourself.
