Friday, November 13, 2015


What was the most difficult time in your life?
The hardest moment of my life would be when I had to move to be away from my mom for a whole year.
It was difficult because she’s my mom and I love her a lot. It was hard to adjust to life without her because I could only see her over a camera. It was a very emotional time for me.


  1. I feel like that is very personally. Thankfully I never had to deal with that. Keep it up Karen!

  2. I feel like that is very personally. Thankfully I never had to deal with that. Keep it up Karen!

  3. Living away from a loved one is a very difficult situation to live through. I had a similar experience but I didn't get to see my dad for a year. I'm sure your mom was very proud of you for handling everything so maturely!

  4. I think I would be really sad if I wouldn't be able to see my mom or dad for a whole year. My family and I are very close, but I think it's good to be independent. I can't even imagine how that must have felt, great job!

  5. I think I would be really sad if I wouldn't be able to see my mom or dad for a whole year. My family and I are very close, but I think it's good to be independent. I can't even imagine how that must have felt, great job!
