Friday, November 13, 2015


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What is a sad moment in your life? 
My parents divorce. I was 6 years old and my sister was a couple months old. I remember when they fought.

What was the most hardest thing for you? 
My Sexuality. Coming out to my parents and friends. I didn’t accept it at first, but I kept telling myself that I needed to like girls.


  1. Wow! these things really touch the heart. Its inspiring to me to see someone talk about a certain thing but still maintain to keep a smile on their face. Amazing!

  2. I agree completely with both. My mom and dad divorced when I was six also, and it was the hardest thing ever because my dad was my best friend. Also, coming out with my sexuality was really hard at first, but then once I got to high school, and I had friends who were more understanding about what it meant, I felt so much more comfortable with it.

  3. This is what is disappointing. The greatest people are who are pressured the most. Shoutout to Jose for overcoming that!

  4. This is what is disappointing. The greatest people are who are pressured the most. Shoutout to Jose for overcoming that!

  5. You're one of the most happy and outspoken people I've ever come across. Now that I know a bit of what you've been through, it makes a lot of sense. When people overcome and beat certain obstacles.. they find happiness.
