Monday, November 23, 2015



What is the biggest struggle you’ve ever been through? 
Seeing my mom disappointed.
It makes me feel as if I should do more.
Any advice for Veritas students?
Listen to your parents and make them proud.


  1. True there is nothing worse than seeing any of your parents down. It does make you feel as if you can do more. It does make you feel terrible when your parents are down.

  2. I can totally relate to Orin. I never want to let my parents down. Especially because they count on me being better than they were.

  3. This is one of the realest things I have ever had to deal with, because when I was young, my dad spoiled me. So, I never really saw any disappointment... So, now, whenever I disappoint my mom, it's like the most depressing thing in the world.

  4. This is one of the realest things I have ever had to deal with, because when I was young, my dad spoiled me. So, I never really saw any disappointment... So, now, whenever I disappoint my mom, it's like the most depressing thing in the world.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Parents always want the best for oneself. No one should ever disappoint their parents since they have always been there for you. And it is also the worst feeling in the world.
