Thursday, March 19, 2015



What, according to you is a sensitive topic that should not be joked about?
A sensitive topic that should not be joked about has to be suicide/self-harm. Many people these days joke around saying “I just want to die” or “kill me”, in my opinion they do not understand the seriousness of their words. There are so many people that really do have problems very serious that they do not know what to do, they see no other way out than committing suicide or hurting themselves. This not only leads to more problems, but others don’t understand what they go through and bully them for what they do, for how they behave; they’re basically told not to hurt themselves by the people that cause them to.


  1. Well put. I believe in the principle that everyone should find a way to love themselves, even if it's something small at first, like loving your hair one day. Bullies are a lot worse these days than they used to be.

  2. I completely agree with this, you never know when something you say can bring someone down and make them feel bad. That's why I always try to compliment everyone I talk to and make sure that they have at least something positive throughout their day.

  3. I completely agree with this, you never know when something you say can bring someone down and make them feel bad. That's why I always try to compliment everyone I talk to and make sure that they have at least something positive throughout their day.

  4. I think that is a sensitive topic and I agree that people joke around with that topic not knowing how some people may see it. I really think that those people who tell others to not hurt themselves shouldn't say that. I feel like you can't tell someone to stop doing what they're doing because they're so used to it, and its not like they like it you just can't tell someone to stop hurting themselves because I'm sure they can't and won't stop.

  5. I think that is a sensitive topic and I agree that people joke around with that topic not knowing how some people may see it. I really think that those people who tell others to not hurt themselves shouldn't say that. I feel like you can't tell someone to stop doing what they're doing because they're so used to it, and its not like they like it you just can't tell someone to stop hurting themselves because I'm sure they can't and won't stop.

  6. I agree, some people misuse words and use them in a bad manner. Your should choose your choice of words wisely because they can harm people even if you don't think they are. Some topics such as suicide/ self harm should not be taken as a joke, even if you don't see it that way.

  7. I agree, some people misuse words and use them in a bad manner. Your should choose your choice of words wisely because they can harm people even if you don't think they are. Some topics such as suicide/ self harm should not be taken as a joke, even if you don't see it that way.

  8. I don't think there's a subject we can't joke about, if we do it the right way. Yes, I know suicide sucks and people who have this problem should definitely seek help. But who hasn't laughed at a joke that they knew was wrong, or even laughed because of the fact it was wrong? Humor shouldn't be censored just because a few people were too sensitive and couldn't deal with it. They shouldn't listen if they don't like it.
    But think of it this way. I know things like cancer and suicide and wars cause a lot of pain to a lot of people, but would it hurt anymore to laugh about it? Doesn't looking at the funny side of the situation make the pain less?
    I think taking things way too seriously is the real problem here.

    1. Correction, that should be ¨Shouldn't we laugh about it and make the pain less¨, instead of ¨funny side¨.

  9. I kinda agree with Ethan. I know most people have laughed at some joke about this. Like the memes that say "kill yourself." I'm pretty sure many people have laughed at that.

  10. I kind of agree with Carlos because some people might say it forealz and we just think they are playing. We must be aware of how they say it. But at the same time many of us use those words as an expression when something is hard and to just get over it.
