Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Have you ever felt left out or discriminated by the way you dress?
Kind of, by people that I really don’t care about, but my friends are very supportive so I just don’t listen to other people’s judgments. 
How did that make you feel?
Bad, but I just don’t care because these people don’t really affect my life in any way. 
Would you ever judge someone because of the way they express themselves?  
No, everyone is free to be their own, and to be who they are no matter what.


  1. I root for this girl. If you love a certain style, flaunt it. Everyone is different.

  2. I root for this girl. If you love a certain style, flaunt it. Everyone is different.

  3. I agree with all of the responses to all of the questions. I think it is great that she shows her style no matter what people think. It shows her confidence and that's a great quality to have!

  4. These are well given responses. People shouldn't feel affected by others' opinions. We have to keep in my mind that someone will always have something to say.
