Thursday, October 2, 2014


"What moment impacted you most in your life?"
"The day my grandfather died. I was having a great day at school until my sister got called and she told me that my grandfather died. My whole day changed when I learned about that. When I was at the funeral, I didn't know what to say, so I resolved myself to learn Spanish so I can be able to talk to people like my grandma. This moment drove me to learn a second language."


  1. This is pretty deep and made me learn a little about David. That's pretty cool. I think this is a good representation of why we have Humans of Veritas.

  2. David hopefully you will learn to be fluent in Spanish soon. I learned a little more about you David. Now I feel that we need a panda next time with you in a picture and me eating a tamale in the picture because that would make my day.

  3. That must've been a really bad day. I have lost my grandmother too and know that feeling. But it also teaches how learning a second language helps a lot.

  4. I sympathize with David since I too lost my grandfather. It was a normal day during summer vacation and everything went downhill when I received the news of my grandpa's death. After my grandpa died, I decided to learn more about my culture and my family's history. Good things always come from the bad, if there was no pain, then happiness would cease to exist.

  5. I think learning your native language is an important way to commemorate the memories of the one who you love that has passed. To be able to share and communicate with your family through your mother tongue is something you shouldn't lose because it's a precious thing that once you lose you can never get it back. Learning Spanish is a great way for David to keep his bond with his grandma after losing his grandpa. This shows how much he treasures his family and his culture. In some ways, I can relate to him in wanting to learn his native language for his grandma because I'm beginning to lose my Hmong language and can barely keep conversations at home with my parents. When this happen, it drives me to hold onto my language more than ever.

  6. For me losing my grandmother (even though it's his grandfather) it made me want to learn spanish as well. The feeling of having someone taken from you is the hardest thing people have to deal with. Happy he's still going and staying strong.
