Thursday, March 8, 2018


What is the purpose of life? 
The purpose of the human experience is to make good use of the life you have, to better yourself, to make your parents proud, your future generations in a good spot and leave your mark. 

What is your definition of love? 
My definition of love is when you can see yourself trusting someone for a life time without ever doubting in them and still getting butterflies every time you see them.


  1. I agree with you. Living life to the fullest way to go because you only have little opportunities. You don't want to leave this Earth knowing you could have done something different in life.

  2. I couldn't say it in any other way and I completely agree with your ideals on the matter at hand. The purpose of life and love is to constantly better yourself and the environment around you to put yourself in a better environment. You show deep insight on the subject at hand and it was a pleasure for me to read this.

  3. I totally agree with you, Ram. There are people who don't have things handed to them like we do, and we should take the things that are given to us and giving them more credit. I love your last response. I 100% agree with you!
