Monday, April 7, 2014


"Who is one person, living or dead, that you would want to meet?"
       "Teddy Roosevelt."
"Why him?"
      "He's a G. He's just so majestical." 
"What's a 'G' to you?"
       "The letter before 'H' and after 'F'."


  1. Teddy Roosevelt is boss. Felipe always cracks me up with his jokes and bad puns. I'm going to miss having ap bio with Felipe and Manny next year when we all go our separate ways. I'll miss those guys.

  2. I would like to get to know him he was pretty rough dude. Also I admire everything he did for the army. Respect him for the rough riders.

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  4. Haha, Teddy Roosevelt was a G! I wonder what type of conversation him and Felipe would have if they actually met. Felipe and his little jokes always make me laugh.

  5. Haha Felipe always has something funny to say. But yeah I heard he was an awesome person. If he was anything like how he was in night of the museum, he must be an awesome person.
