Wednesday, April 2, 2014


                            "What's you thoughts on gay marriage being illegal in some states?"
                                            "People should just accept it and get over it."
               "Because you can't change the way people are. You can't force them to like someone else."


  1. I really like her response. I agree that people are that way and people should let them live happily. People shouldn't judge people just on their sexual preference.

  2. I completely agree. It's sad that in a country where we tell people that they can follow their own beliefs that these people are singled out and targeted. We're all people with different beliefs and that's what makes this country unique.

  3. I am totally agree with what Elizabeth Muniz said because people shouldn't be afraid to show their feelings. I also think its stupid that people judge other people because of who they love.I am gay myself and i don't like when people judge me but also i don't care anymore.

  4. I would agree with Eli. No one can force you to like or not like someone/something. Gay marriage is being accepted in many other places and I do not understand why it is not accepted here. Gay couples do not affect anyone else around them. They are ordinary people and just like everyone else, they just want to be happy.

  5. I actually agree with Ely. Humans will be humans and we can't change the way they were born. It's their life so why get in their lives? Mind your own business, if they are happy then that's all that matters. I support gay marriage, i accept societies taste. Let the world do what ever it wants, as long as it isn't a bad thing!

  6. You have a point. People should be able to marry whoever they want it doesn't matter if they like opposite sex or the same sex. I agree with you people should just get over it.

  7. I agree with Elizabeth. People can't just change the way they feel. Gay people should have the same rights as everybody else.

  8. I agree with Eli, also. I don't understand how someone's preference in their partner really has to do with them. I think people should just stay out of each others' business and this world would be a better place.
