Monday, March 17, 2014


"What do you think of this generation?"
“Well, I think everybody is the same, everybody dresses the same, it’s kind of boring.”


  1. I kind of agree with that! It seems like everyone tries to fit in and be like everyone else. I like being different!

  2. I also agree with Josh N. and Nancy S., I believe that most high school students try to be followers instead of being their own leaders. Too much swag going on ha-ha, no but seriously people need to update their own style and be more unique!

  3. I completely agree too. A lot of kids this generation are on the bandwagon. Everyone wears the same clothes and shoes. There is barely any variety which sucks :/

  4. Yes Nancy is completely right everything is always the same. Its too generic. Everyone should start trying to be different

  5. I agree with Nancy! Now a days mostly everybody dresses alike, and it gets really boring. But maybe the reason why people dress alike is for the fear of what people might say if they change. At the end of the day their only trying to please the people instead of themselves.

  6. I agree with Nancy everything is the same. It gets boring after a while. We need to start changing it up a little.I think sometimes people are scared to try something new .
