Monday, March 5, 2018


What is your definition of love?
I feel the presence of love when someone cares for you and shows you all of their attention. That person will do anything/everything for you and tells you every day that you mean the world to them. Love isn’t someone who tears you down for everything you do wrong or someone who doesn’t support you through everything you’re trying to do. Love is risk-taking and yes, some people don’t believe in love, but once they find that special one, all perspectives on love can simply change.
Have you ever been in love?
Do you want to be in love and why?
No, not at the moment because I want to be more focused on myself before
including someone else in my life.
Do you want to give any advice to anyone who is looking for love?

Just don’t be shy, go for it, and always be yourself.

1 comment:

  1. For a freshman, I am so compelled by the fantastic advice you give. I understand how you feel when you don't feel ready to be included in someone's life without being your own person. Overall, this is definitely my favorite humans of veritas interview.
