Friday, October 10, 2014


"What was the greatest impact in your life?"
"The greatest impact on my life was when my parents divorced when I was in 6th or 7th grade. My Dad was still around, but my mother raised me and it showed me how hard my mother had to work for everything; and raise us; and that made me who I am today."


  1. Having parents who are divorced is a very hard to thing to grow up around. It is especially hard to be around them in the events leading up to a divorce. Im glad she took this as a positive thing which helped mold who she is and not as something that destroyed her.

  2. I can't relate to Sara but I do know what's it's like to suffer after your parents divorcing. My best friend's parents from middle school got a divorce, and she suffered for years. My parents aren't divorced, but the pain that my friend felt, I felt as well.

  3. I can also relate to Sara. I may have both of my parents but my Dad is the most hardworking man that I've met. He supports me, and works to earn everything. My Dad makes me who I am today because, with out him and all the things he's done to put a roof over my head I wouldn't be where I am.

  4. That must've sucked. I can't relate to it much but it must have been really hard going through it. I have an uncle and aunt who got a divorce and i know what my cousins have been through.

  5. It's definitely hard for the kids of divorcees to grow up with a sense of normality similar to that of their friends. I know it's definitely weird for me to spend Christmas with my Dad's side of the family, because I only really see them once a year. It's good to know that Sara took a bad situation and found inspiration from her mother. Really says something about her character.

  6. I can imagine it must be a huge impact in your life when your parents split apart. My parents have been together for about 20 years, but just because they're still together doesn't mean they don't have big arguments. I had to live 6 months with my parents upset with each other, 6 months of them trying to avoid each other. It was not a nice experience !
