Thursday, October 16, 2014


"Who is your favorite teacher at Veritas?"
"There are too many good teachers in this school...But if I had to choose it would be Rob, he's too funny...With his Hip-Hip-Jorgaaay."


"What is the biggest struggle you have gone through?"
"Staying off the streets and in school."
"Because I come from a place where education is taken as a joke...."

Friday, October 10, 2014


"What was the greatest impact in your life?"
"The greatest impact on my life was when my parents divorced when I was in 6th or 7th grade. My Dad was still around, but my mother raised me and it showed me how hard my mother had to work for everything; and raise us; and that made me who I am today."


"How was your day?"
"Well, it's been a bit hard because I didn't understand geometry."
"What could have made it better?"
"Algebra made it better because I knew what was going on. That made me happy!"

Thursday, October 9, 2014


"What event changed your life?"
"Marquette changed my life because it made me know what future and college I want to go."
"How did Marquette help you?"
"There are a lot of staff and T (name of director)... They make me stay focused."
"What do you think would've changed if you hadn't been introduced to Upward Bound, Marquette?"
"I wouldn't be working hard and picturing myself going to college. It made me have a vision of going to college." 

Friday, October 3, 2014


"Who is your favorite author and why?"
"John Green, because of The Fault in our Stars, in the sense that it was relatable. It was relatable in the way that they had cancer, and my mom had cancer."
"Even though losing your mom was devasting, what was your favorite thing about her and what keeps you going?"
"My favorite thing about her was that she was always so optimistic. Whenever things were bad, she would still try to make us laugh. When in the hospital, she had a box full of stones, hearts, and crosses with words like 'hope' and 'dream.' Every now and then I look at them, and that helps me through it."

Thursday, October 2, 2014


"What moment impacted you most in your life?"
"The day my grandfather died. I was having a great day at school until my sister got called and she told me that my grandfather died. My whole day changed when I learned about that. When I was at the funeral, I didn't know what to say, so I resolved myself to learn Spanish so I can be able to talk to people like my grandma. This moment drove me to learn a second language."


"How does it feel to teach a class of your own?"
*silence* "It's...challenging and totally different from last semester."
"'s different because last semester I was the student and this semester I can do whatever I want."